How to Rate Policy Statements

School wellness policies are evaluated based on the degree to which they address 50 policy items, which are categorized into five sections. The sections include Nutrition Education and Wellness Promotion (1), Standards for USDA Child Nutrition Programs and School Meals (2), Nutrition Standards for Competitive and Other Foods and Beverages (3), Physical Education and Activity (4), and Evaluation (5).

School wellness policy statements are to be rated "0," "1," or "2," using the definitions below. This assessment tool lists each policy item followed by an explanation of the item and examples of statements that would be rated "1" and "2".

Section 3: Nutrition Standards for Competitive and Other Foods and Beverages contains some items that are to be rated on a scale of 0-4. Instructions for assigning a rating of "3" or "4" can be found alongside these items in Section 3.

0 - Not Mentioned

The item is not included in the text of the policy.

1 - Weak Statement

Assign a rating of "1" when the item is mentioned, but
  • The policy will be hard to enforce because the statement is vague, unclear, or confusing.
  • Statements are listed as goals, aspirations, suggestions, or recommendations.
  • There are loopholes in the policy that weaken enforcement of the item.
  • The policy mentions a future plan to act without specifying when the plan will be established.
Words often used include: may, can, could, should, might, encourage, suggest, urge, some, partial, make an effort, and try.

2 - Meets or Exceeds Expectations

Assign a rating of "2" when the item is mentioned and it is clear that the policy makers are committed to making the item happen because:

  • The item is described using specific language (e.g., a concept followed by concrete plans or strategies for implementation).
  • Strong language is used to indicate that action or regulation is required, including: shall, will, must, have to, insist, require, all, total, comply and enforce.
  • A district is unable to enforce an item (e.g., teachers role modeling healthy behaviors), but the goal is clearly stated (e.g., "shall encourage teachers to role model healthy behaviors").

Section 3 only:

  • 3 - meets Institute of Medicine standards or district has a ban on competitive foods (if there is no "4")
  • 4 - district has a competitive food ban

IMPORTANT: State law may regulate items in this assessment tool. State law supersedes the authority of school wellness policies, so unless otherwise indicated, rate items according to the strength of state law when state law exceeds standards in a policy or when state law mentions items not included in a policy. For example, if state law prohibits soda in schools but the policy does not, rate applicable items as if the policy explicitly prohibits soda. For state laws pertaining to wellness, visit:  NASBE  or the CDC.

One method for deciding between assigning a rating of "1" or "2" is to consider the scenario of a parent approaching a school district’s Board of Education to discuss an issue. If the policy is ambiguous on how the school should handle the issue, assign the item a rating of "1." If the written policy gives clear guidance about how to decide whether the school complies with the policy, assign the item a rating of "2."